Copyright 2001-2003   Dr. Tony Alessandra

Striving for and attaining goals makes life meaningful. Goals create drive but only if you set yourself to achieving them in the proper way. I've found that the letters in the word SMART are very useful in articulating goals.

SMART reminds me that my goals must be Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Trackable.

Specific and Measurable relate to how you phrase your goal. Vagueness goes hand in hand with lack of genuine commitment. You don't think a world-class pole-vaulter, for instance, just says, "I want to jump higher next year." No, he has a certain height in mind.

So instead of "I will be more fit in six months so I can hike into mountains and help with a reforestation project," you might say, "In six months my resting blood pressure will be ten points lower." Or, "In six months I'll be twenty pounds lighter." "I'll be running three miles in four to six months" is more effective than "I'll be running more in four to six months."

Or if your goal is to become a standout salesperson so you eventually can rise in the firm and change its focus, you'd be better off proclaiming, "I will increase my sales next year by twenty percent" rather than "I will sell more next year."

Attainable and Realistic have to do with the goal, which should be just beyond your reach, making you stretch. It should be attainable, yet challenging.

If it's almost impossible to achieve, a goal can be demotivating. On the other hand, a goal with 100 percent chance of achievement is not really a goal; it's a given. And that defeats the purpose of goals, which is to move you forward by making you work harder, or by gathering more resources than you have in the past.

And the "T" of SMART goal setting is Trackable. How will you know if you're making progress? You need to set up interim goals or checkpoints along the way. Depending on what your goal is, you might be checking your progress every day, once a week, or once every two months.

You may discover that your goal is not attainable or realistic within the time frame you've set. But be flexible about your game plan before you reconsider your goal. Nothing ever goes exactly according to plan, so you may have to make adjustments in order to stay on track and keep up your motivation.

Some other suggestions about goals: