Symbols > {} (object initializer)


{} (object initializer)


Flash Player 5.


object = {name1: value1, name2: value2,...nameN: valueN};


object The object to create.

name1,2,...N The names of the properties.

value1,2,...N The corresponding values for each name property.




Operator; creates a new object and initializes it with the specified name and value property pairs. Using this operator is the same as using the new Object syntax and populating the property pairs using the assignment operator. The prototype of the newly created object is generically named the Object object.


The first line of the following code creates an empty object using the object initializer operator; the second line creates a new object using a constructor function.

object = {};
object = new Object();

The following example creates an object account and initializes the properties name, address, city, state, zip, and balance with accompanying values.

account = { name: "Betty Skate",
	address: "123 Main Street",
	city: "Blossomville",
	state: "California",
	zip: "12345",
	balance: "1000" };

The following example shows how array and object initializers can be nested within each other.

person = { name: "Gina Vechio",
	children: [ "Ruby", "Chickie", "Puppa"] };

The following example uses the information in the previous example and produces the same result using constructor functions.

person = new Person(); = 'Gina Vechio';
person.children = new Array();
person.children[0] = 'Ruby';
person.children[1] = 'Chickie';
person.children[2] = 'Puppa';

See also

[] (array access), new, Object (object)